Get Accredited With Us!
We will assess your Programme or Institution, based on Quality standards, to help you gain official recognition.
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Looking to Further Your Studies?
Let us help you find out more about the institution or programme you are interested in, from a quality point of view!
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Get Your Certificate Today!
Apply for your CARICOM Skills Certificate, if you are a CARICOM National, who qualifies for Free Movement of Skills/Labour.
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We are the sole body responsible for assuring the quality and integrity of post-secondary or tertiary education and training in Barbados.

Registered Institutions
Accredited Institutions
CARICOM Skills Certificates
0 +
18 Years of Experience

What We Do

On the 16th April 2023, acclaimed journalist Lisa Lorde, sat down with the Executive Director of the Barbados Accreditation Council, Mrs. Lisa Gale. Topics discussed ranged from accreditation in higher education to the role the Council plays in the Free Movement of Skilled Nationals.

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BAC Celebrates 50 Years of CARICOM

One of the biggest intergovernmental organizations and integration movements in the Western hemisphere, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), celebrates its 50th Anniversary with the theme ‘50

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