COVID-19 Updates & Resources

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on “Introduction to Technology-Enabled Learning”

It is with great pleasure that the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) announces the upcoming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on “Introduction to Technology-Enabled Learning”, scheduled to take place from January 9, to February 10, 2017.

This 5-weeks MOOC is designed for teachers in diverse areas – secondary education, post-secondary education and vocational education.  Anyone interested in improving teaching and learning would enjoy participating in this MOOC, while teachers whether teaching face-to-face or in a distance/online environment would benefit most.

If you are interested in participating, kindly proceed to register here: (Click Register in this page)

The workload will be approximately 3 to 5 hours per week.

Teaching Language: English

Instructors: Dr. Martha Cleveland-Innes, Professor and Chair, and Dr. N. Ostashewski, Assistant Professor, both in the Centre for Distance Education at the Athabasca University in Alberta, Canada.

Prerequisites: None

We will appreciate, if you can circulate this invitation to interested people in your network.

A PDF Brochure about the course is also available for download.

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